In connection with forth coming 2 days(48 hrs) STRIKE on 01-12-2015 & 02-12-2015 the mobilization GATE MEETEING has been held at SECUNDERABAD H.O. on 13-11-2015 under the Presidentship of Com.Saikumar,Br.President Post men & Group-D HO union.The meeting was presided by Com.Sreedharaswamy P-III H.O.Br.Secretary and the meeting was addresed by All India leader Com. P.Pandurangarao General Secretary GDS (NFPE). He was explained elaborately regarding 4 strike demands and 7th CPC information to the members. And also other speakers Com.D.A.S.V. Prasad Circle Secretary P-III A.P. Circle has also spoken about strike demands.Com.Krishna Divisional Secretary P-III has appealed the members to make the 2days strike grand success. Com.Chandrappa Br,Secretary P-4 union SDHO and Com.K.N.Chary Divisional Secretary GDS (NFPE) has also attended the gate meeting.Nearly 50 members were participated in the said meeting,we convey our warm greetings to all the members.

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