An organisation putting its efforts for the betterment of Postal Employees
Saturday, November 26, 2016
Wedding Expenses Withdrawal - Instructions in DOP Finacle

Instructions regarding the wedding expenses withdrawal in DOP
Instructions to be communicated regarding the wedding expenses withdrawal are given below for circulation as directed:
For wedding expenses, the Government has allowed withdrawal limit as Rs.250000-. Patch for the same is being deployed in Finacle.
As per RBI guidelines / DoP rulings, the officials should check all the relevant documents and obtain the declarations from the customer requesting for withdrawal from their POSB account in connection with wedding expenses.
The following conditions are mandatory for withdrawal in respect of wedding expenses:
KYC documents should have been submitted for the account; PAN card should have been updated. These checks are done on the CIF of account holder.
The maximum withdrawal allowed is Rs.250000 or the closing balance of the account as on 08/11/2016, whichever is lesser and subject to the minimum balance limits applicable on the account. ( Rs.50 for non-cheque accounts and Rs.500 for cheque accounts)
User has to select / enter the report code as WEDLM against transaction report code field in CTM / HTM menu for such transactions.
SBCO is advised to monitor the high value withdrawals at all the POs under their control. Report on such transactions can be generated using HFTR / HFTI menu with the Report Code field filled as WEDLM, on daily basis.
With regards
Giriraj Ponnambalam
Deputy Manager (FSI)
Centre for Excellence in Postal Technology, Chennai 600002
044-28543481, +91 94441 08080
Wednesday, November 23, 2016
Tuesday, November 15, 2016
National Federation of Postal Employees
1st Floor North Avenue Post Office Building, New Delhi-110 001
Phone: 011.23092771 e-mail:
Mob: 9868819295/9810853981 website:
No. PF-66 /2016 Dated : 12th November,2016
Shri B.V. Sudhakar,
Department of Posts,
Dak Bhawan,
New Delhi-110 001
Sub: Demonetization Scheme of Government of India. Problems being faced by the Staff in POs-Reg.
Under demonetization scheme, Post Offices have also been entrusted work of deposit and exchange of withdrawn old series currency notes of Denomination of Rs. 500/- and 1000/- on par with Banks. There is vast difference in the infrastructure and facilities between Banks and Post Officers.
2 The problems being faced by the staff are mentioned below:
(i) There is no note counting machines in most of the Sub Post Offices. As the cash is coming for deposit in huge quantity so the counting machines are required in each Sub Post Office. This process will continue upto 30th December, 2016 and there is possibility that the Government may extend the date, so the counting machines should be supplied as early as possible.
(ii) Fake currency detecting machines are also required to detect the fake currency notes because due to heavy rush it will be very difficult for staff working on counters to identify the notes so the poor postal employees may be safe guarded to become victim of loss.
(iii) The working hours of Post Offices have been fixed from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. This is totally impractical and harassment of staff particularly for those who are working in SOs .As in SOs there is no cash remitting facilities. Cash to SOs is supplied from HOs. No where cash reaches at 8 A.M. For remittance of cash to and from SOs, no proper arrangement has been made by the local authorities. Remittance of cash by the staff working in SOs to HO in late hours is very risky as there are no safety arrangements. Necessary instructions in this regard may be issued to all concerned.
(iv) All single handed sub post offices should be provided one additional hand till the finalization of this demonetization scheme so that other works of Pos may also run smoothly.
(v) Orders should be issued to accept WOS notes for other Government deposits like PLI/RPLI and other SB Schemes etc because when one person in single handed SO is giving WOS notes to deposit or exchange in one side and if it is refused to deposit in PLI/RPLI and other SB Schemes , it is accepted this becomes cause of quarrel. So necessary orders may be issued in this regard.
(vi) Proper security arrangements should be made in all Pos and particularly, for lady employees working in SOs at far off places should be provided conveyance facility with security in late hours.
(vii) For extra working hours and for holidays and Sundays remuneration at par with Banks should be paid to the all postal employees deployed in this work. It has come to our notice that Banks are paying award @ Rs.3000/- per day to officers and @ Rs.2000/- per day to subordinate staff and lunch & dinner allowance @ Rs.500/- per day. Same may be paid to Postal Employees.
(viii) The huge amount of WOS notes is being accumulated in the Treasuries of HPOs with whom remitting is made and the SBI is refusing to accept the same Therefore, it is requested that the higher authorities of RBI and SBI should be contacted to cause the orders for their branches to accept the WOS Cash from HOs so that surplus cash may be cleared from the treasuries of HPOs.
It is therefore, requested to kindly cause suitable action on all above mentioned problems so that the aggrieved Postal Staff may get some relief.
With regards,
Yours Sincerely,
(R.N. Parashar)
Secretary General
Friday, November 4, 2016
A meeting on Department of Posts specific allowances was held with the Committee on allowances under chairmanship of Secretary Finance and secretary Expenditure. From Department of Post, Secretary (Post), Member (Personal), DDG (Personal), DDG (Estates) , DDG(Estt. & SR), Director Estt. attended the meeting. From Staff Side Com. R.N. Parashar, Secretary General NFPE,Shri Theagarajan, Secretary General FNPO & Shri S.K. Mishra , Secretary General, BPEF, participated in the meeting. Many other officers of DOP&T, Finance, Health Ministries also participated.
Three meetings were held with Department and Administration and Unions after discussing threadbare came to conclusion and accordingly presentation was prepared which was presented before the Committee. Secretary (Finance) shown much interest and he asked so many questions and raised queries on each allowance and asked the Department to submit a report on financial implications.
The meeting was concluded in a very co-ordial manner and we should hope for positive outcome. On the following allowances we submitted our proposal which is mentioned below:
Fixed Monetary Compensation to Postman:
Proposal: Not to abolish the allowance. It is proposed to grant Rs.300/- per day for additional full beat and Rs.150/- per day for sharing of beat(half beat) and further proposed to increase by 25% every time when DA reaches at 50%.(Department earlier proposed that allowance as Rs.200/- and Rs.100/- but on the demand of Federations, now it is proposed same as Rs.3oo/- and Rs.150/-
Special Allowance to PO & RMS Accountants:
Proposal: The allowance is required to be continued as this special allowance has been sanctioned in lieu of higher pay scale. If abolished, one increment is to be allowed on promotion which costs more to the Department. Therefore, it is proposed to grant special allowance equivalent to one increment which will be kept separately and not to be added in the basic pay. Other conditions applicable to present allowance will remain in force. (i.e. if this allowance is drawn for three years it will be added to basic pay while pay fixation on promotion.)
Cycle Allowance to Postman:
Proposal: Must be retained while doubling the amount to Rs.180 p.m. and further increase by 25% every time the DA increases by 50%
Cash Handling and Treasury Allowance:
Proposal: The Cash Handling Allowance should be retained and need to be doubled and further increase by 25% every time the DA increases by 50%.
Fixed Medical Allowance:
Proposal: 33 Postal Dispensaries may be merged with CGHS.
All Postal Pensioners irrespective of their participation in CGHS while in service should be covered under CGHS after making requisite subscription.
Till such time, the FMA may be allowed @ Rs.2000/- per month enhancing from Rs.500/- p.m. being paid at present.
Headquarter Allowance:
Proposal: Proposes to retain the Headquarters Allowance at the uniform rate of 10% of the basic pay subject to ceiling of Rs.9000/- per month.
Overtime Allowance:
Proposal: Department recommends to grant additional duty allowance in lieu of OTA in operative offices only for performing additional duty of absentee official.
It is proposed Rs. 100/- per hour maximum of three hours in a day and further increase by 25% every time the DA increases by 50%.
Besides these we demanded S.B. Allowance and Supervisory allowance to be continued and enhanced proportionately.
As the 7th Pay commission recommendations will be implemented with effect from 1.1.2016, the AICPIN average of 2015 will be the Base Index for calculation of DA for 7th Pay Commission
Formula for Calculation of DA in 7th Pay Commission is = (12 months Average of AICPIN -261.4) divided by 261.4 multiply by 100
[(263+264+266+269+270+269+269+267+268+271+275+277)/12]- (261.4) X100/261.4 = 2.91% and DA declared 2%. It is nothing but misappropriation.
Instead of 261.4 it should be 260.46 as the DA was given 125% instead of 125.75 in corresponding to price index of 261.4 from 1st January 2016. The rounding of the DA to lower digit will not compensate fully to the price rise and 100% neutralization DA. In other words corresponding to 125% DA, the price index shall be 260.46.
Thus the formula for calculation of DA for 7th CPC should be 12 months Average of AICPIN – 260.46 divided by 260.46 and multiplied by 100
Therefore the DA for July 2016 should be calculated as given below:
[(263+264+266+269+270+269+269+267+268+271+275+277)/12]-(260.46) X100/260.46 = 3.27 and the DA should be 3%.
Wednesday, November 2, 2016
NEW DELHI - 110001
No.PF-PJCA-12/2016 Dated : 01.11.2016
The Secretary,
Department of Posts,
Dak Bhawan, New Delhi-110 001
Sub: Withdrawal of the proposed indefinite hunger fast in front of Dak Bhawan from 3rd November, 2016 and two days strike on 9th & 10th November 2016
While expressing our sincere thanks to you and the Postal Board for taking positive action for settling the demand for bonus parity to Gramin Dak Sevaks, we would like to request your sympathetic and immediate intervention for implementing the Directorate orders for payment of revised wages to Casual, Part time Contingent employees working in the Postal Department with effect from 01.01.2006.
The Directorate has issued orders for payment of revised wages (6th CPC minimum) to casual labourers in the month of January 2015. Subsequently the queries raised by some Chief PMGs were also clarified by Directorate. Even though 21 (twenty-one) months are over, the Directorate orders are not yet implemented in some circles. We have already brought the case to your notice and the notice of the concerned Chief PMGs several times, but the issue still remains unsettled. Hence we were compelled to include this demand also as the second demand of the proposed indefinite fast in front of Dak Bhawan from 3rd November and two days strike on 9th & 10th November 2016.
As you have assured us that the grievances of this poor and most downtrodden section of workers will be settled in a time-bound manner, we hereby inform you that we have decided to withdraw the proposed hunger fast from 3rd November and two days strike on 9th & 10th November 2016.
We once again request you to issue strict instructions to all Chief PMGs to implement the Directorate orders in a time bound manner, say, before 30th November 2016.
Thanking you in anticipation
Yours faithfully

Secretary General Secretary General

General Secretary General Secretary
Copy to:
1. The Director General, Department of Posts, Dak Bhawan, New Delhi-110001.
2. The Member (P), Department of Posts, Dak Bhawan, New Delhi-110 001
3. The Director (SR & Legal) Dak Bhawan, New Delhi-110 001
NFIR Writes to PM on Minimum Wage and Multiplying Factor issues
Government’s assurance on 7th CPC issues mainly relating to Minimum Wage & Multiplying Factor – reg.
National Federation of Indian Railwaymen
3, Chelmsford Road, New Dlehi – 110055
No.IV/NJCA(N)/20l4/Part II
Dated: 1-11-2016
Shri Narendra Modiji,
Hon’ble Prime Minister of India,
South Block,
Raisina Hill,
New Delhi-l10011
Respected Sir,
Sub: Government’s assurance on 7th CPC issues mainly relating to Minimum Wage & Multiplying Factor – reg.
I seek you valuable time through this letter and place the following for kind consideration and immediate action.
The Central Government employees in general and Railway employees in particular were extremely upset over the retrograde recommendations of 7th Central Pay Commission, particularly the recommendations relating to Minimum Wage and Multiplying Factor. In the wake of Indefinite Strike decision on Charter of demands of NC/JCM Constituent Organizations (Railways, Defence, Postal Confederation etc)., the Group of Ministers held meetings with JCM (Staff Side) leaders on 30th June 2016 & 06th July 2016 and consequently assurance was given that a High Level Committee will examine 7th CPC issues mainly Minimum Wage and Multiplying Factor. On this assurance, JCM Constituent organizations have deferred Strike action on 06th July, 2016.
Though a Committee was constituted under the chairmanship of Addl. Secretary (Exp), Ministry of Finance and discussions held, the response has been disappointing. The employees of Railways and other Central Government departments are greatly disappointed over non-settlement of main issues through discussions.
May I request your kind attention in the matter for implementation of assurance given by Group of Ministers for the revision of Minimum Wage & Multiplying Factor through discussions with NC/JCM (Staff Side) very early.
With Pranams,
Yours sincerely,
(Dr. M.Raghavaiah)
General Secretary
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