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Welcome to AIPEU, Group-C,Secunderabad Division,Telangana Circle.Make A Grand Success,March to Parliament on December 15th For more news visit http://aipeugroupctelangana.blogspot.in

Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Letter addressed to SSPOs in connection with remitting of monthly subscription through IMO

The Sr.Supdt. of Post Offices
Secunderabad Division


            Sub: -  Remittance of union subscription amount through IMO or eMO-Reg
            Ref: -   1. This union’s letter dated 15/10/2013
                        2. Your office Lr.No.A2/AIPEU/Dlgs/2013 dated 05/11/2013
                        3. CO Lr.No.SP/MKTG/III/AIPEU-Gr-C/ePayment/2013 dated 01/11/2013
                        4. Directorate Lr.No.3/4/2007-SR dated 28/03/2008
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            A kind reference is invited to the directorate order cited above, where in Para 2 (6) clearly stipulates that “Drawing and Disbursing officer after making the deductions will remit the amount to the Divisional Secretary of the concerned association who in turn, will remit this amount to the All India, Circle etc as per the quota fixed in their respective constitutions. There is no objection if the membership subscription is remitted to the Circle/Central body of the Association for further distribution, provided such provision is made in the constitution of the association”.

            In this connection, it is bring to your kind notice that the Directorate instructions and Union Constitution clearly stipulates that the DDOs should remit the subscriptions to the Divisional Secretary of concerned association. According to Rule 9 of CCS (RSA) Rules 1993 any changes should be made in the rules only with the prior approval of Department of Personnel and Training. But the circle office order cited above is total violation of the Directorate order cited above.

            It is also bring to your kind notice that as per our Union constitution, Circle body has not empowered to enter in to any agreement with any officer/department in respect of remitting quotas, which is clear violation of directorate guide lines cited above. In regard to IMO, the facility is intended for only individuals and not for organizations/associations. Nobody will issue an identity card in the name of Financial Secretary of an association, which is mandatory to produce at the time of taking payment.

            Keeping in view of the above, I am to state that the agreement done between Financial Secretary of AIPEU Group-C, A.P.Circle and Asst. Director(Marketing), A.P.Circle may be treated as null and void as the agreement itself is contrary to the directorate orders cited above and neither the Financial Secretary of AIPEU Group-C nor the A.D(Marketing) is empowered to enter in to an agreement in respect of remitting of quotas to higher bodies.
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            Therefore, it is requested to take further necessary action to issue instructions to all DDOs under your control to pay the entire subscription amount to the Divisional Secretary immediately for further disposal and remitting of quotas to higher bodies. A line in reply is highly solicited.

            With regards

Yours faithfully     

(T.Suresh Kumar)

Copy to

Sri DASV Prasad, Circle Secretary, AIPDU Group-C, A.P.Circle, Hyderabad-500020 for information and necessary action.

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