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Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Ceiling for reimbursement of Special Nursing and Ayah/Attendant charges to the Employees covered under CS(MA) Rules,1944-Orders issued by Health Ministry

Dear Comrades,
Health Ministry issued latest orders on Ceiling for reimbursement of Special Nursing and Ayah/Attendant charges to the employees covered under CS(MA), Rules 1944 vide Memo No.S.14025/8/2010-MS dated 18/01/2011.According to the Health Ministry OM No.S14025/74/86-MS dated 30/10/1991 an arrangement for reimbursement for Special nursing  has been made which stipulates that the amount of such reimbursement is limited to the amount which is in excess of 25% of the pay of the Government Servant. Keeping in view  the incresae in pay and allowances and wages of nurses and ayah/attendants and in order to simplify the existing procedure, it has been decided to fix ceiling rates of special nurse and ayah/attendant for reimbursement to CS(MA) beneficiaries. The ceiling rates for such reimbursement to CS(MA) beneficiaries would be as follows.
1.Special Nurse                     Rs.150 per shift of 12 hours
2.Ayah/Attendant                  Rs.75 per shift of 12 hours

The reimbursement of special charges for nurse and ayah/attendant at above rates is subject to the condition that for such purpose a certificate from the medical offiicer-in-charge of the case in the hospital and countersigned by the medical superintendent of the hospital should be produced in the prescribed form as enclosed in the following order.

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