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Welcome to AIPEU, Group-C,Secunderabad Division,Telangana Circle.Make A Grand Success,March to Parliament on December 15th For more news visit http://aipeugroupctelangana.blogspot.in

Friday, June 29, 2012


Secunderabad Head postoffice Recreation Club Elections held on 28-06-2012 ,the fallowing members were elected with thumping majority in the said elections,in this connection heart full thanks to all the members who were voted to the elected officials.particularly this victory goes to our federation NFPE only.I congratulates to Branch Secretaries of Secunderabad HO,Com.Ch.Sreedharaswamy,P-3 union , Com.B.Narasimha,P-4 union,Com.P.AdwaithKumar,Asst.Br.Sec.P-3 and all office bearers/members of both HO unions.Total PRC members 165 out of this 136 members participated in voting.

 VICE-PRESIDENT         Sri.D.Maheshwar                Postman            74 votes

  DIRECTOR                    Sri. M.Mahendhar Raj         Postal Asst.       92 votes
  DIRECTOR                    Sri. C.Manic Reddy             M.T.S.              86 votes
  DIRECTOR                    Sri. B.Narasimha                 Stg.P.M.            83 votes
  DIRECTOR                    Smt.S.V.Hemavani              Postal Asst.        79 votes
  DIRECTOR                    Sri. M.Devadas                    postman            77 votes
  DIRECTOR                    Sri. R.A.Saikumar                postman            70 votes


Thursday, June 28, 2012

Sri A.Satyanarayana, SSPOs, Secunderabad Division relieved by giving the charge to Sri S.V.Rao, SSPOs, South east division

Dear Comrades,
In a recent development Sri A.Satyanarayana, SSPOs Secunderabad division relieved from secunderabad Division on forenoon of 28/06/2012 and Sri S.V.Rao SSPOs, Hyderabad South East Division taken additional charge untill futher orders or joining of the new incumbent. This is for the information of the members.

Friday, June 15, 2012

Tavel by Air to J&K- Extended for another two years-DOPT orders

Dear comrades,
DOPT issued order to extending Travel by Air to Jammu&Kashmir for another two years from 18/06/2012 vide Memo No.31011/2/2003 Estt.-A-IV dated 15/06/2012.

Click here to get the order

Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Incentive scheme for delivery of Adhar Cards-Business development directorate orders

Dear Comrades,
Business development directorate issued orders for payment of incentive for delivery of Adhar Cards vide Memo No.18-46/2011-BD&MD dated 30/05/2012. According to the orders" It has now been allowed to give incentive to the postmen @ rs.0.50 per letter which are delivered in a timely manner i.e. within 14 days from the date of booking in case of departmental delivery offices & within 17 days from the date of booking in case of Branch Post Offices or within 7 days from the first attempt of delivery whichever is later subject to the condition that the delivery information i8n respect of all such articles be uploaded on speednet. Before payment of incentive to any postmen, the sanctioning authority shall satisfy himself that the concerned postman had been prompt in delivery of letters for which the incentive is being paid and there was no un-necessary delay at the part of postmen in delivering such letters."

CEA Hostel subsidy-Clarification issued by DOPT

Dear Comrades,
DOPT issued clarification vide Memo no.12011/07/2011-Estt.(AL) dated 31/05/2012 that "the term Hostel Subsidy would mean expenses incurred by the Govt. servant if he/she keeps his/her children in a hostel of a residential school/institution located beyond a distance of 50 kilometres from his/her residence. The reimbursement would be subject to other conditions laid down in the O.M. dated 02/09/2008 and subsequent instructions issued from time to time. It is further clarified that frant of hostel subsidy is not related to transfer liability of the Govt. servant" "To allow reimbursement of CEA /Hostel subsidy for the initial two years of a diploma/certificate course from Polytechnic/ITI/Engineering college, if the child pursues the course after passing 10th standerd and the Government servant has not been granted CEA/Hostel subsidy in respect of the child for studies in 11th and 12th standerds".
The orders will comes in to effect from the current academic year

Click here to get the order copy

Monday, June 4, 2012

Posting of JTS Officers in the Circle-Circle Office Orders

Dear Comrades,
In a recent development, Circle Office issued the following Posting orders of Junior Time Scale officers vide Memo No.ST/12-74/2012 dated 04/06/2012. The competent Authority has ordered the posting of Sri A. Satyanarayana, SSPOs Secunderabad Division as APMG(FS &BD), O/o CPMG, A.P.Circle, Hyderabad, vice Sri M.P.Rao, re-allotted to Tamil Nadu Circle. Hearty welcome to Sri V.V.Satyanarayana Reddy on his transfer to Secunderabad Division. On behalf of AIPEU Group-C, Secunderabad Division I convey my sincere thanks and wishes to sri A.Satyanarayana, IPos, for his co operation extended during the period.

Name/designation of the officer
Region to which belong
Region to which  allotted on  promotion
Sri P. Rambabu
Hyderabad City Region as SSRM Hyderabad Sorting Dn.
Terminating the present ad-hoc arrangement
Sri M. Chandrasekhara Reddy
Kurnool Region
On transfer of Sri K. Muniramaiah, SSPOs Chittoor Dn to Karnataka Circle

Name of the officer( S/Sh)
Present place of working
Circle to which re-alloted
Region to which allotted
Posting in HCR
V.V.Satyanarayana Reddy
AP Circle
SSPOs Secunderabad Dn
On transfer of Sri A. Satyanarayana, SSPOs Secunderabad Dn as APMG(FS &BD)
ADG(Estt.), Postal Dte.
AP Circle
SSPOs Hyderabad South East Dn
Vice post vacant