Postmaster’s Cadre – orders have been issued by the directorate vide Memo No.4-17/2008-SPB-II dated 22/11/2010 regarding induction of Postmaster Cadre. It has been decided to introduce a separate cadre of Postmasters comprising the grades mentioned vide Directorates Lr.No.13-2/2010-PE-I dated 03/02/2010. by carving out the posts from existing General Line Posts.
1.The recruitment Rules of the above grades have since been framed and notified vide Memo dated 09/09/2010.
2. Initial constitution of the various Grades of Postmasters shall be done by inviting options/applications from the existing incumbents of LSG, HSG-II, HSG-I in Post offices and PS Group, ‘B’.
3. In subsequent years all the vacancies in Postmaster Gr.I shall be filled up through a Limited Departmental Competitive Examination, From amongst PAs with 5 years regular service in the grade
4. All the vacancies in Postmaster Gr. II Posts shall be filled up by promotion from amongst Postmaster Gr. I with 6 years regular service in the grade (including regular service in LSG, if any).
5. All the vacancies in Postmaster Gr. III posts shall be filled up by promotion from amongst Postmaster Gr. II with 5 years regular service the grade (including regular service in HSG II, If any).
6. 25% of vacancies in the grade of Sr. Postmaster will be filled up by promotion of Postmaster Gr. III with 2 years of regular service in the grade (including regular service in HSG, I if any) and 75% by Inspector of Posts (IPOs) with 6 years of regular service in the grade on the basis of Limited Departmental Competitive Examination (LDCE).
7. The officials in PS Gr ‘B’ and Senior Postmaster (Gazetted) would be eligible for induction in IPOs, Gr ‘A’ on the basis of a consolidated eligibility list.
Time Line to be followed by all the circles
(i) Date of Issue of Circular calling for the options/applications for appointment as Postmaster Grade I, II and III. - 14.12.2010
(ii) Last date for receipt of options/applications along with bio-data - 15.01.2011
(iii) Completion of scrutiny of applications and obtaining Vigilance Clearance and ACR dossiers. - 31.01.2011
(iv) Submission to Screening Committee. - 10.02.2011
(vi) Submission of the minutes to the appointing authority for approval - 01.03.2011
(vii) Issue of appointment orders - 16.03.2011
Other Issues
1.Revision of FSC – orders are expected to be released this month itself
2.Enhancement of Fixed Monetary compensation revising Rs.24/- as Rs.50/- and Rs.85/- for holiday duty will be released next week
3.UPSC has raised some queries on HSG-I Recruitment Rules which had been clarified. The Revised Recruitment Rules will be issued shortly
4.The file relating to enhancement of OSA has been submitted to J.S. F.A. (Finance) for approval.
5.Direct Recruitment of PA/SAs were completed within couple of days to the extent of around 16000 posts.
6.The preliminary (first) sitting of the Cadre Restructuring committee will be held on 26.11.2010 at 3 PM.
7.Regarding the revision of wages of casual labourers it is informed that the file is being sent to nodel Ministry for approval. It is expected to be cleared by the Nodal ministries within 2-3 weeks. The wages will be revised with effect from 01.01.2006
8.The Department has issued orders vide Memo No.4-4/2009-PCC dated 19/00/2010 clarifying that No casual labourers shall be engaged in the Administrative offices i.e. CO/RO/DO/PAO with effect from 1st December 2010
9.The work of sweepers and scavengers should be combined or the same may be outsourced wherever feasible.
10.Since duties of waterman, watch and ward, gardening, cleaning etc are now part of duties assigned to Multi Tasking staff, the existing practice of engaging casual laborers as waterman, Gardner, watch and ward and any other miscellaneous category shall be dispensed with effect from 1st December 2010